
May 22 2024


6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Root Cause of Disease with Caitlin Penner


Nikola Tesla said “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration”. Albert Einstein said “Future medicine will be the medicine of frequencies”.
Caitlin Penner, is a bioresonance practitioner who studies frequency medicine. In her practice, she noticed various diseases have specific root causes such as heavy metals, parasites and other microbes, and emotions. Emotions heavily influence mental health, diet, lifestyle and exercise, which then impacts our entire lives.
We will delve into how heavy metals have a huge impact on your health, and into some strategies to return to optimal health. Microorganisms like parasites wreak havoc on our health, and can be the reason we deal with specific health challenges, without being able to pinpoint the root cause. We will dive into various strategies to find the root cause of disease and heal it permanently.