
May 04 2024


2:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Healing Trauma with David Gregory

Join us for a powerful workshop on trauma, how it holds us back from our greatest potential, and how to transform it to heal our lives. Trauma can be debilitating, and cause many blocks in our relationships, and our spiritual, physical, and emotional lives. It creates blocks that stop our blessings from flowing to us.
The host, David Gregory, was a Marine veteran who became a trauma integration coach. He will lead you through a guided class and help you better understand why trauma can be the catalyst to post traumatic growth.
Enjoy going into the advanced healing room of the EESystem for the last hour, which is the perfect place to relax and integrate the learning.
Afterwards, you will get a chance to participate in “Circling” or “authentic relating” with the amazing Morgan, who holds many certifications and is a trained life coach.