Join Us, Feb 14th, For Our Valentine’s Day Sleepover Special 

Tired of Being Sick & Tired?

Whether you are in pain, have a chronic illness, suffering from stress, or you are an athlete or someone who loves to relax and recharge, we have a solution for you. Radiant Light Healing Center is a State-of-the-Art Health and Wellness Center featuring a 48-Unit Energy Enhancement System. Tested and used by Tony Robbins, NASA, Johns Hopkins, Stanford, University of Hawaii, MDs, PhDs, and many others.

The Energy Enhancement System

The Energy Enhancement System (EES) combines body, mind, spirit, and science to support optimum performance and reach higher states of health, consciousness, and self-actualization. This system generates multiple bio-active life-enhancing energy fields, including scalar waves, and a morphogenic energy field, also known as a torsion field or scalar vortex. When combined with light as biophotons, EES can interface with the body’s DNA matrix and promote healing.

Scalar waves have always existed; they are well known in astrophysics, geology and hydrodynamics. A scalar wave is a fifth-dimensional non-linear wave. Third-dimensional laws of nature do not bind scalar waves. Thus, scalar waves function in a self-referring and self-generating manner. They are unbounded and capable of passing through solid matter. When the human body enters a scalar wave field, the electromagnetic field of the individual becomes excited. This excitement catalyzes the mind/body complex to return to a more optimal state.

Who Do We Serve?


As day-to-day life continues to get more hectic and stressful, we all experience health challenges in different ways. Whether we have problems getting a restful night’s sleep or we’ve hurt our back and have chronic pain, or we’re experiencing something more challenging...

Service Professionals

If you’re a first responder, veteran, or healthcare professional of any type you know the emotional, physical and psychological impacts of your work can become at the least a burden or worse, life threatening. Depression, anxiety, PTSD, substance abuse, body breakdown are only a few...


If you’re in the C-suite, a senior exec, or part of an operational team, the day-to-day challenges of your work life and balancing work and personal life is often overwhelming and can lead to burnout, chronic anxiety, depression and sometimes physical or psychological issues...

Get Relief From:

  • Alzheimer’s
  • Anxiety
  • Arthritis
  • Autism
  • Autoimmune Disorder
  • Blood Disorders
  • Brain Fog
  • Cancer
  • Chronic Disorders
  • Chronic Fatigue
  • Chronic Permanent Injuries
  • Depression
  • Diabetes
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Heart Palpitations
  • Insomnia
  • Kidney Stones
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Neuropathy
  • Nervous System Disorders
  • Pain Relief
  • Parkinson’s and tremors
  • Osteoporosis
  • Sciatica
  • Sinus problems
  • Strokes, and more…

What The Energy Enhancement System Can Do For You

Our 48-Unit Energy Enhancement System can help you achieve your maximum potential by recharging your energy. Imagine what this can do for you!
We’ve put together a sample of users experiences after trying the EE System. Remember, every individual experience is different.

  • Feelings of Calmness, Harmony, Zen, Oneness, Peace, Relaxation
  • Natural Healing & Rejuvenation
  • Sense of Increased Energy
  • Relief from Depression
  • Rapid Post Surgical Healing
  • Being more Present
  • Better Response to Stressors
  • Detoxification
  • Peak Performance
  • Better Mental Health
  • Relief from Severe Pain
  • Improved Blood Profiles
  • Mental Flexibility/Charity
  • Living more Authentically
  • Super Learning States
  • Self-Confidence & Self-Love
  • Less Attachment to Past Traumas

Come visit us in Sacramento today! We offer periodic events for Breathwork, Sound Bowls, Yoga Nidra, Tuning Forks, and more!

And we are Pet Friendly!

What People Are Saying

Grand Reopening - Single EE System Session for Only $48 (Normally $120)

Click the button below to book your initial Energy Enhancement System Session.

FAQ About Your Energy Enhancement System Session
None whatsoever. You can have metal in your body or be on any type of medications. Everything works perfectly with the EE System.


  • Dress comfortably.
  • Bring a blanket or we have ones available. Some people bring cozy socks.
  • Bring water if you like, or we can provide. Please don’t bring a crackly sounding water bottles.
  • Refrain from fragrances or perfumed lotions; be respectful to those who are chemical / perfume sensitive or have allergic reaction.
  • Bring earplugs if you like or we can provide to block out sound from other members in the room. We will have nice soft ambient music playing. Some people like to bring noise cancellation headphones. Brings a sleep mask if you like total darkness.
  • Come with an open heart and mind. Get ready to relax and trust your body’s innate wisdom and ability to heal itself.

Sessions are booked on the hour and they are for 2 hours. The inventor, Dr. Sandra Rose Michael recommends 2 hours for optimal results. Please come 15 – 20 minutes early so you can be on time to go in the room when your session begins.

You will be relaxing in one of our comfy reclining zero point gravity chairs or you may sit upright if you like. The room is very dark and has beautiful ambient lighting. We have 24 computer monitors in the room that produce the field of energy that will begin to entrain your body to go into homeostasis, as soon as you walk in the room.

While there may be other individuals with you in the room, you will have your own personal space. We encourage you to take the time to go inward and relax.

Some people feel a slight tinqling sensation at times. Some people report being about to breathe deeply right away, as it does oxygenate the body. As your body begins to adjust you are going to feel ultra relaxed. Feel free to fall asleep and take an ultra amazing power nap! Happy healing!

Drink plenty of water. This will help eliminate toxins. Detoxing your body is one the fastest ways to achieve positive results from sessions and is invaluable in the process of helping your body heal itself.

Because the Energy Enhancement System session releases toxins in your body so effectively, occasionally people may have a headache, or feel sluggish after a session. A lot of people report that they feel great and have newfound energy. Most people have a new pep in their step! Trust the process.

It is highly recommended (by the inventor Dr. Michael) that everyone take a hot bath or foot soak after each session. Preferably within 48 hours. Dr. Michael feels we should all be doing a hot bath or foot soak on a regular basis. The recipe is: 2 cups sea salt, 2 cups baking soda, 1 cup Borax. Your local super market should have all these items and may even has the salt in bulk. Soak in the bath for 20 – 30 minutes.

We also in addition, or as an alternative have an excellent product called Cell Defender, which pulls out the heavy metals and the nano-plastics out of our bodies . We have it in stock, or you can ask us how to order directly.

We feel everyone should be on this for life, as we are all plagued with heavy metals. This is a game changer. See us with any questions.

the-ess-system-helps-the-body-heal-itself-300x300The effects of sitting in the scalar energy are cumulative. The more you sit in it, the more the body moves towards a healthy level. The deeper you relax, the more profound the results. The response has been growing as individuals make the time to come in and experience this technology. Some clients sit in the Matrix Room and immediately feel better. They report pain reduction, increased energy, and better sleep. Others have experienced signs and symptoms of a “healing crisis.” While this can be unsettling for some, it’s a good indication that the body is moving towards detoxification and eventual regeneration.

Throughout our lives, toxins build up in our systems through exposure to air, water and food pollution, food additives, medications, stress, hormones and even through normal daily activity. Beyond that, stagnant emotions can lead to dis-EASE in the physical body. The EESystem provides serious detoxification, which in turn will release stored toxins from deep within our physical and emotional bodies. As we cleanse, it is typical to feel a resurgence of symptoms related to whatever we are releasing. However, it is important to remember that as uncomfortable as it may be, this is the body’s way of self healing. Eventually, your sessions become only relaxing and meditative. And, many come in and find it peaceful and extremely relaxing the first time they experience it.

Tues and Thurs 10am – 6pm
Wed, Fri and Sat 10 – 4pm

YES – By appointment. Group discounts available.

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